Advi­sory of the Board

Agnes Sarkadi-Gergely
Daugh­ter of a sur­vi­vor of KZ Außen­stelle Walldorf

What had hap­pened during the war had para­ly­zed people. They could not say anything for deca­des. It was even more dif­fi­cult to speak to each other and reach out a hand. But you have done it…Together, we are giving each other tre­men­dous power”


rauchMalte Rauch
Free Film Pro­du­cer — Docu­men­tary Film Maker

Malte Rauch became known through a mul­ti­tude of docu­men­tary films he had pro­du­ced for WDR, i.a., about the Por­tu­guese Revo­lu­tion (“Viva Por­tu­gal”, 1975), “Aids – the Afri­can Legend” (1988) and also his por­trait of Arno Lus­ti­ger “Just being Lus­ti­ger”. From 1999 to 2002 he had accom­pa­nied, along with his movie team, the occupa­tion with the history of KZ Wall­dorf. His film (“Run­way”, 2002) is being com­men­ded as extra­or­di­na­rily sen­si­tive ana­ly­ses with the sub­ject matter.


Syl­via Landau-Hahn
