Our wee­kend
was free and ever­y­body could go around doing wha­te­ver they felt like doing. Sun­day morning star­ted at 9:00 o‘clock for those who wan­ted to go bike riding around Mörfelden-Walldorf. We went through the streets explo­ring the area. We saw old buil­dings, clo­sed shops (as it is every sun­day), the trains which ended up in the forest were we will be spen­ding most of our time. The sun was out but there was a cold breeze. We got back to school we are stay­ing at and deci­ded to meet by the entrance at 13:00 to catch the train to Frank­furt. We arri­ved at the main sta­tion after a twenty minute train ride. We wal­ked through the streets of Frank­furt, loo­king at the tall buil­dings, dif­fe­rent shops and taking pic­tures of the inte­res­ting monu­ments: the ruins of a bath, the opera house, the city hall and a church. We went through an annual fair. Some of us went to the uni­ver­sity whilst others went back to the sta­tion. Back at school din­ner was pre­pa­red. The people from the Margit-Horvath-Foundation came in order to wel­come us to the work camp. There was a lot of team­work in the kit­chen. The whole group sat there and got to know each other a little bit bet­ter. We played cards, lis­tened to music, lear­ned new things about each other and new words in dif­fe­rent languages.

Mon­day 8th of august
Today is our first day of orga­ni­zed activi­ties. We met down­s­tairs at 10:00 p.m. Cor­ne­lia met us for our first mee­ting. As usual we sat in a cir­cle and then played an intro­duc­tion game in order to make sure ever­yone knows each others name. Cor­ne­lia began by tel­ling us why we are here and what it means to her. She told us all about her­self. Fol­lo­wed by that each per­son was asked to explain their rea­sons for par­ti­ci­pa­ting in this work and study camp and what holo­caust means to them. The fee­ling I think we all felt was a deep con­nec­tion to each other and their emo­ti­ons. Their fee­ling was intense but deeply app­re­cia­ted by all. Lunch was pre­pa­red and then we were off on a bike ride to KZ Außen­stelle (our work forest). It was pou­ring with rain but this didn‘t stop us from going on the tour given by Cor­ne­lia. We arri­ved at the forest and slowly moved through. Cor­ne­lia explai­ned the hor­ri­fy­ing history that took place in the exact place we were stan­ding and all over Europe, many years ago. Sud­denly we arri­ved at a point where ruins were sti­cking out of the ground. This was lear­ned to be a cel­lar by a kit­chen where women were bru­tally bea­ten for ste­aling pota­toes… To dig at this place will be one of our work wit­hin the next weeks…
